Saturday, July 16, 2011

End of the year... but i have almost ALL the guys in class hating on me?!?!?!?

Dont do may sound pretty stupid but dont. Or you can tell the principle or something or ask ur mom or dad to go to another school next year. Because i hate those other sites, i barely like facebook and stuff. But dont worry about him, if he wants to be a douche bag let him be one, "what goes around comes around". so if he wants to go talking sh*t about you, let know what you did do and you know what u didnt do. Let him be the douche bag that he is. Just one more month and you dont have be around him anymore. For the next month, just keep ya head held up high like you dont give a care what he says like none of that means anything to you. show ppl that you dont care and it'll make him look stupid. Dont let ppl do that to you. Dont let ppl bring you down. Dont show ppl your weakness, because it will only run you down! Hoped i helped.

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