Friday, July 15, 2011

Underage drinking in California?

Ok so I did something really stupid last week. I brought a half of a water bottle of vodka to school. One of my friends told me I should bring it and at first I said no but then I gave in and said ok. It was a really bad idea. So anyways I guess one of our classmates snitched on us for drinkin it and also for an incident in which another friend of mine brought weed brownies to school. So we got called into the office today. All three of us were separately interview with an officer present and I ended up telling them that I had brought the vodka and that I drank some of it but my other friend drank most of it ( which he did ) so then all three of us are suspended for five days starting tomorrow. Our last week of school is next week. I was wondering what legal trouble I could get into. Oh and btw I live in california. I willingly confessed and I was very cooperative. He said I may not graduate. Oh and I almost forgot I'm 14 and I'm in eighth grade. Will I have to repeat the eighth grade? I'm really worried. I really regret it. Please help!

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