Friday, July 15, 2011

I feel like a worthless piece of ****..?

I feel worthless and I have officially hit rock bottom. So I am bisexual and I have had 2 terrible relationships happen to me this year. The first girlfriend I had I was with for a while, however she ended up claiming she was busy all the time and it turned out she was leaving me for another guy. I was in the closet at this time and did not come out until a few months later. I then had another girlfriend and she claimed all these feelings about me, but in the end, it turned out she was dating a whole nother guy and was living a whole 'nother life for 5 months. But what is there to like about me? I am 5'10 and I weigh 115 pounds, I am all body muscle however I have been teased and critisized my whole life for being the weak boy. Last year I made a stand and beat the **** out of this kid who bullied me, yet I was wrong in doing so as in people continued to call me skinny and worthless. (I am a senior now) My freshman year, it got so bad that I had to get adult help as I could not walk home safely, and I became known as the snitch. Okay back to the present. I began to like this boy who is sweet, and nice. However he doesn't notice me as much as other guys (even bi and gay ones.). And it seems that no one wants to get to know me (in person I look confident and happy as ever but really I i feel like burring myself and rotting in a hole). Everyone goes off of what other people say and think. They never want to get a second look of me. At the lgbt prom (18 and under) I went and some guy grabbed me, draged me to a corner and said "we should kiss" and I was offended. He didnt even ask my name. 5 minutes later I was asked to go to some guys car and have sex, and I know I should be "appreciating" this but its demeaning to me. They like what they see in a very dark prom room and want to just get off to me. Yet in reality I am unnoticed (I give my self confidence in public) and I crumble and fail each time. The boy I like on the last day of school, however, said goodbye to me and I offered a high five and he said "no give me a hug" and he hugged me, which seemed different but I havent talked to him since. I know this sounds like a rant, but its about 3:30 A.M. and I am having all of this dawning on me and I cant keep pretending to be happy anymore. Any advice? :'(

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