Monday, July 11, 2011

My 11-month-old fell against table and hit her mouth/teeth. What should I do?

She slipped and hit her mouth against the coffee table. She has two bottom teeth that are partially in, and one of them had a tiny bit of blood around it and seemed to be pushed down and out a little. You can barely see the tooth anymore. I put ice on it for as long as she would let me, and then let her chew on a freeze pop. Of course, it is evening and tomorrow is a holiday here. But I need to know should I take her to emergency?? Call a doctor?? Most everything I've read seems to say have it checked out by a dentist to be sure. The soonest I could call a dentist would be Monday. Is that too long to wait? I feel awful, but she seems ok otherwise. I just want her tooth to be ok. Any experience/advice is greatly appreciated!!

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