Monday, July 18, 2011

Advise my family is not understanding!!?

me and my bro want to join swimming classes as we r having summer holidays..we have swimming experience there is a coach over there too but they don't allow us to go they don't even allow us to go in anearby park..i m 19 years old and my bro is it's tym for my university nw as i m done with my high school but for uni one need to prepare for entry test even if u hve good grades and for entry test we have to go to other city..that other city is just at a drive of 2 hours away from here but my parenst are not letting me go there i donno y.. i tried to ask them a several times the reason for having restrictions upon us but thye neva give any satisfied answer..they even never reply to our answers and if we even say them we want to go outside they ignore us and often says that their children are saying them to let us go to university bad?is going to swimming bad?i tried to make them understand the things several times but they don' they r very rich people not poor that they can't afford our studies..please give an advise

How do I get rid of an annoying friend?

Well this girl has started hanging around with me and my friends, and she's really annoying. It sounds so horrible and vain but I'm embarrassed to be seen with her. She's hugely fat, she has a greasy perm, she wears these horrible tracksuits with black pumps which really dint look good together and she acts like a little kid. She has other friends but she's taken a liking to me and my friends. How can we subtly get rid of her? We've already tried avoiding her at break time but she always finds us and we've told her that her other friend was looking for her but she just goes 'oh well!' and follows us around. She doesn't take a hint when we ignore her and she' s just so embarressing and annoying and we can't talk about the stuff that we wanna cos she'll go and snitch it. Ugghh but I feel so mean at the same time! How can I shake her off?

I want to buy a gameboy micro.?

Buy a nintendo (Even though I hate them). Gameboys are way out to date and nintendo comes with a gameboy attached to it.

Can someone help me with unemployment?please?

Snitches? Uh, you broke the law, at work yet, and now you're complaining? And no being videotaped does not need your consent to be legal.

Please can you translate these few short sentences of english into french for me?

In the summer holidays I am going to go to London with my cousin Kerry and her parents. I can't wait! I have never been to London before so I am quite excited. I will be doing a lot of shopping and sight seeing in London. I am going there in mid August so I hope it will be sunny and warm.

Gun siezure in las Vegas nv, gun taken no record left by officer.?

A man and his cousin are stopped near the strip,told that their registration is suspended. The men and vehicle are searched, they tell the officer that there is 3.5 grams of weed in the backseat. There are also two legally owned and registered guns in the trunk as well as the blue card for one of the guns. After being held and questioned by undercover cops for +2 hrs, about snitching on some dealers? the men are released, given a citation for the reg on the car. The undercover police take the guns, card, marijuana and tell the man that he has 48 hrs to contact them with info on someone else or else??? Neither man is on probation or parole, neither is a felon or criminal, but one (the gun owner) had charges that went to trial and he was acquitted. The police obviously saw this on their computers. no officer ever cited or documented the marijuana possession, and no record of the weapons being taken was issued. The men went directly to an attorney, who was baffled, contacted the undercovers, told them he had no info for them, told them the ball was in their court so to speak. They would not talk to her. The next day, the guns turned up in evidence, after many phone calls/ messages. The citation has a place where the issuing officer can mark down whether or not there were drugs involved, they did not do so. How do they get the guns back. There was no crime involving them. Btw... The registration issue was DMV error, and is thrown out.

ASSAULT DILEMA - help (law)?

Just call the police file a complaint . That you see strange people coming and going from the house at all hours of the day and night and that you have reason to believe that they are doing something illegal.

How to deal with my snitch cousins?

Okay, I'm 15. I have three younger cousins. One of them is going to be 14 in July, the other one is 10, and the youngest is 6. They are MAJOR tattletales. They told on my brother (age 11) for touching the TV screen and saying the word stupid. Wtf??? Just yesterday, I did something really stupid. I got frustrated and said the word "fu*k!" to myself. I quickly apologized for it, and they still squealed on me. My mom took my phone away and she won't let me have it back until Friday morning. I was irresponsible, and I learned from my mistake. But how do I explain to them that no one likes a snitch? I've tried telling them that they won't have any friends if they snitch and that no one will like them. There's a difference between telling a teacher, "Johnny brought a gun to school," and "Johnny called me stupid." They always try to get me and my brother in trouble. My brother loves me and he thinks it's ridiculous what my cousins are doing. My younger cousin (the one turning 14) is going to be a freshman in high school next year. I'm going to be a sophomore. How can I get her to realize that she will see and hear things way worse? Sorry if this is so long, I'm just angry that they use everything they can to throw me under the bus.

Would i make a good teacher (characteristics?)?

Working with children, it's either love or hate, there isn't any in between. You either love it or hate it! Also, the term "bratty" is quite telling as to how you feel about this. Sure, kids have bad days, but us teachers that truly love our jobs, don't use that term.

Question about accutane?

ok, ever sense I was 13/14 I used to get mild pimples just on my forehead. I had shaggy long hair and it just came along with greasy hair. I got benzyl peroxide and it helped, but left like red marks, that im assuming are scars. Now i'm 16, and i dont get acne anymore on my forehead, its moved to my face. its moderate, but the pimples i get are like red sore bumps, and as of now only have like 2 active, but like 5-6 dark red marks on each cheek but theyre like left over from acne. These red marks aparently look like moles, and they match my skin, but that all depends on the lighting.. The red marks/scars have been there for months and havent faded. I got minocycline from the doctor a month ago, but that didnt help the red marks at all. 4 days ago i was put on 40mg of accutane, and my dermotologist said "your condition is very moderate it should be all cleared up in a month or 2"... so based on peoples experiences, and what i've said what do you think about my situation? I thought you skin was suppose to break out in the first few months, is it possible to be cured so soon? my friend had it really bad, and he was all cleared up in 3-4 months,.... im on summer holidays now, and i have atleast 60 days left before school, but will that be enough time?

How do you feel about hood people and rappers no snitching policy?

Now if you are against snitching like myself, but you knew who shot 2pac both times and who shot biggie would you tell?(if you were highly close to them like a diddy,suge,lil cease,outlaws, or someone like that?

Could you recommend me a list of films to buy/watch, In which in your opionion are great films?

I need some films to watch,As i am going away alot in the summer holidays to a place where there is no Tv unfortuantly. All i have is my laptop which i'm going to use as a dvd player. please no chick flicks or Romance, :D

Anyone like these names (warning it's a long list) LOL!?

Landon is a nice name but you can only name your child on thing so you might want to think about shortening your list.

What are some customizable Xbox360 games?

I want an easy elf or fairy related game with very customizable outfits and hair changes. I kind of want it to be a cool down game after playing something like silent hill. It doesn't have to have much plot, rather I wool have t be very free reign

I need serious help with my problems in my life??????????????????

i need help from somebody dats from a place where u needa bring a strap everytime you walk out ur house,, cause around my neighborhood theres none stop kids my age walkin round strapped with mace,, machetes (i aint lyin),, and billy clubs... all i have is some mace and theres two guys dat always tryda start shiiiit wit me,, i just got my mace not long ago so i was wonderin if i should mace em or what cause i dont want em to think im a punk,, theres no way im gunna snitch them out or anything like dat but these people piss me off so much i actually considered killen em once and i aint even kiddin,, so my question is How should i handle problems like dis where i live without possibly gettin merced

Guys - Would to be expecting to get laid if... Please answer!!!?

... you were going on holiday with a girl you were seeing for a while, but nothing had happened so far yet (but there is an obvious amount of chemistry going on between you) ?

Can you be sent to jail or for not snitching on someone?

Not in the u.s. However, prisons are full of people who make the same claim. They usually are charged with a crime of some sort, and are offered a chance at avoiding conviction by snitching, and they refuse, and end of convicted of a crime.

Clubbing holiday crisis!?

How do you do, to go to a party or is the party are inseparable from the ornament of clothes and decoration. Of course, shoes is indispensable the same. When you don't know how to wear shoes, to give you some advice, hope you can become the most pertinent. I wish you good luck!

Where can i download warcraft III for free?

i want to download Warcraft III reign of chaos and frozen throne for free and no problem like without sound or CD needed

Weuld you be pissed if your boyfriend never texted you?

I understand you. He might be busy out on a vacation or with family. If he wanted space he should have told you. But trust me its important to keep contact with your bf or gf so yes i'd b pissed off too

Spraying mace in preteens eyes?

Its not the 13yo you need to worry about turning you in. It would be the parents who would flip out and turn you in. Maybe set up a security cam to catch them in the act then scare them off! That way you have proof and can still press charges!

What are some really good and meanful comments to say to a guy you hate? 10 points!!!!!!!!?

he is always saying i look like a monkey that my family is messed up and then he says go **** urself mother *******??? what should i say??? and thten he called me a snitch sorry for the language but it getss me maddd

Is this workplace harrasment ? What can I do about it ?

Talk to the section supervisor. Say something like, "I'm very excited to get a chance to test some of the higher risk samples, but Mr. X doesn't seem ready for me to do it yet. How can I show him that I can handle these tests?" You're seeking advice, and you're being diplomatic. If you want to be more direct, you could add, "based on some of his comments, I think my religion makes him uncomfortable."

How do you live your life?????????????

i need help from somebody dats from a place where u needa bring a strap everytime you walk out ur house,, cause around my neighborhood theres none stop kids my age walkin round strapped with mace,, machetes (i aint lyin),, and billy clubs... all i have is some mace and theres two guys dat always tryda start shiiiit wit me,, i just got my mace not long ago so i was wonderin if i should mace em or what cause i dont want em to think im a punk,, theres no way im gunna snitch them out or anything like dat but these people piss me off so much i actually considered killen em once and i aint even kiddin,, so my question is How should i handle problems like dis where i live without possibly gettin merced

Christians, I have a difficult question--10 points for best answer!?

As far as I understand it there will be some that are taken, the rest left behind and will endure any tests due to the devil's last chance to turn those remaining. Who will be taken only God knows. After that the earth is remade into paradise. I think it will be like a second Eden of sorts where only the love of God matters but everybody has their own way of seeing it. In truth nobody can tell exactly what is going to happen and what we will see, the only one with the answer is God.

What are some customizable Xbox360 games?

I want an easy elf or fairy related game with very customizable outfits and hair changes. I kind of want it to be a cool down game after playing something like silent hill. It doesn't have to have much plot, rather I wool have t be very free reign

Do monks setting themselves on fire prove that pain is an illusion?

There have been several cases of self immolation amongst Buddhist monks over the centuries, and in most cases the monks sit completely still and silent as they are burning to death. Does this prove that physical pain, if not an outright illusion, can be sufficiently reigned in by one's mind so as to be irrelevant? Do we have the choice of never feeling (physical) pain again?

What would you do, if you had the chance to become God Almighty?

If I were God Almighty, I would fix this whole screwed up existence. I would resurrect everyone from the dead, make everyone to be loving, kind, and joyful. Of course I would feed everyone so no one is starving to death, I would give others the chance to feed them, but if not I would feed everyone. I would get rid of all diseases and sicknesses, and make a happy life for everyone and everything. I would make one big happy family and I would command and force everyone to be loving to everyone. If I have all power I can do anything, including making people happy as well as making everything perfect (just right). There would be no abuse allowed, I would protect all kids from abuse like a normal guy would do. I would protect everyone. I would even raise hitler from the dead and make him joyful and loving and cause forgiveness to reign. What would you do?

Terrorist Attack on July 4th?

So on July 4th, I am flying across the country to Boston,alone, to move back with my mom. This being a symbolic holiday for America, what would be the chances of a terrorist attack? It makes me even more scared because i'm young, we just killed Osama, which may trigger them, And i'm traveling to Boston, which is a symbolic city in America. Do you think they will attack? What are the chances? does anyone know the exact plan?

Questions of science, science and progress. Top 7 Coldplay songs?

I'm bad with song titles, but I love Coldplay. I've been a fan of theirs for years, and my favorite album is definitely Viva La Vida. Love them all....but that is my fave!

Immigration at man airport uk?

Yes hi i was wondering about immigration when i arrive at man airport in the uk for the first time. what will it be like. i am visiting a friend for 2 weeks in the uk she has written me a letter stating that i am allowed to stay with her for my 2 week holiday. and will provide me with food. i also have a round trip ticket back. i will have 200 pounds in cash and more in my debit card. i am from usa. do u see any problems with any of this? any help would be much appreciated. first time flyer. very nervous thanks again!

This girl in my class copys other people's exams and never owns up?

In our summer exams as they are small this girl is copying of the person next to her and I want to tell but I think I will sound like a snitch and she never owns up to anything like she will litter then say it wasn't her and I don't know if I should tell?? But I feel sorry for her as she has no dad and she apparently has fights with her mum??

What is there to do in and around Cardiff Wales?

There are numerouse Macdonalds and shops for you to speand all of your money so that you can live in a cardboard box.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Looking for songs for my holiday playlist..?!?

me and my friend are going to Turkey for a week and I'm in charge of sorting out the music playlist. I've got most current songs that are popular and recent, aswell as a few classics. I'm just looking for some more suggestions. Any songs that you like to listen to before going out to clubs ! Any that get you in the mood, good songs for drinking to, club classics, and also new songs too. Thankyou!! xx

Anybody like these names?

honestly you have too many names, i couldnt even get threw the entire list it was over whelming try to crunch it down to ten names then repost please

What is the name of this movie?

A girl stole jewelry from a store, and is somehow convinced that a boy snitched on her, so she takes him to the forest with a few other guys and accidentally kill him, and then his voice follows her around like a ghost.

I need to do this for a school project and have no idea what any mean can someone define them?

Instead of having other people do it for you, google each one. There are bound to be dictionary entries and Wikipedia articles just waiting to be read.

Is it true kobe snitched on pau gasol?

i heard that he old his wife and then his wife told pau's fiance that he was cheating on her and that what pau did not play well in the NBa Conference. is this True

Is it legal to use other people's characters ect for making small items for sale?

No there is no way you can use copyrighted characters. But since you would only be working on a very small scale you could use the old trick of renaming them; Mario becomes "Super Plumber" and Harry Potter becomes "Teen Wizard". It would still be technically illegal but it shouldn't be a real problem if you are only selling a few for fun more than profit.

Can I open a bank account just to get an overdraft?

I am really lacking money at the moment I only have �100 left in my existing overdraft and I cant extend it. I dont start my new job until August. I booked this holiday to ireland ages ago and just realised its next week and I havent fully sorted out my expenses for it yet and I just worked out that petrol alone will be about �150 so I have no money . I was wondering if I can open an account with a different bank and just be able to use an overdraft to see me threw then I can pay it all off when I am working, could I do this? if not what can I do to get hold of some cash? about �300 should be more than enough

How do I host on Warcraft 3 RoC?

I have recently been trying to change the ports on my internet connection to host Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos on my laptop. I use a NETGEAR WNRv2000 Router. I visited my router page and opened the ports, but it still does not work. I have also tried to make firewall rules, with no success. What do i do about this? If it is about having a static ip address, please share some info on that. I only get an ip of when i use my router.

Guy keeps sexually harassing me...?

What he is doing is a crime. It doesn't matter if he is popular to others, he is a pervert to you. You have the e-mail, please turn him in.

Why do people at work like to snitch to the manager/supervisor/director about simple things?

Why do people do these things. Do they think they are gonna get an increase in their pay, more paid time off, extra benefits or a promotion? This annoys me so much. And the people that do the snitching are the people who need to look at their own work habits. For instance, I work with at a preschool and the people there are so darn petty. Last week there was a parent who came to pick up a child a little late. She called prior to let us know that she would be twenty minutes lat but ended up coming a little later. As soon as the parent left my coworker came in and said "Im telling the supervisor she comes in tomorrow". Mind you, we sometimes stay 30 or 40 minutes late sometimes. The parent is hardly never late. Another coworker told on another coworker because she took extra minutes during break. But the person who told takes hours during break EVERYDAY!!! It's mainly done by older people. Its like elementary school at some work places. I don't like this because and someone could lose their job over something so simple such as "she took 3 minutes extra during break." Why cant people mind their business or talk about it with the coworker or whoever their having a problem with? DO SUPERVISORS PRAISE THESE TYPES OF PEOPLE? Whats going on?

In runescape my woodcutting level is 55 what level would it be in 2 weeks?

i play 2-4 hours a day i was just wondering because its school holidays i wanna see how much levels i can get :)

Can on-duty cop 'snitch'?

If someone blatently does something illegal infront of an on duty cop, regardless of the off duty relationship, can the cop be considerd a snitch for reporting them?

What do you live for? heaven? yeah that worked for me for a while, and now I just want to be free without?

the threat of hell. this life is too damn long to sit around drinking milk and reading scripture. God and his holy spirit show up right on time when you slightly hurt a persons feelings. But you need to know why demons have free reign over the earth till judgement day tormenting people. yes you can just forget about Joy or happiness. we need to take some tests! and we need to pass them because suffering gives patience and patience endurance. Yeah like were going to need to stockpile that crap for heaven.

What was the longest-ruling dynasty/family in history?

You can make the call on iffy scenarios, I'M asking YOU. Like, if a family ruled X years, was deposed, then came back, or if they ruled one place from A to D, and another from C to M, you can consider 'A-M' as their reign... Whatever.

Do Mormons believe God sends people to hell? (Mormons, this is mostly directed at you)?

a href="" rel="nofollow" has a chat feature, and you can chat online with a representative of THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints, to delve more into this question or any other that you would like to ask, about THE Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, or about it's doctrine.

How to get my rims back (bmx-wise)?

me and my friend traded bike rims and 2 days after we traded he and everyone else was saying i was stupid he said they were whopped* kinda and didnt tell me when we traded and also he told me i was going to never going to get them back btw im a teen just in case i dont want to get the police or parents involved because i dont want to be labeled as the neighborhood snitch.. but plz how can i get them back

How to tell my dad I want to wear tampons? 10 points best answer?

Dad, when we go shopping next, I need to pick up some "feminine" supplies. Can I go with you so I can get the ones that suit me best?

Am I being paranoid and what should I do?

If she is or isn't doing this there I nothing you can do to sort ou the situation. What you can do is forgive and forget. It might feel annoying and frustrating! But think about what it is doing to you, it's causing you hurt and anger thinking about it. The best thing to do is try and be her friend since she's family. Everyone has a crazy/annoying person they have to deal with in ther family. The best thing you can so is not let it get to you.

Do drug dealers snitch on other drug dealers to get rid of competition and stay in business?

very rarely maybe but if 1 drug dealer snitched on another they would either beat them up/kill them or snitch them back so most likely they will just try to avoid the other one

Love or infatuation? please help?

Omg thats sooo cute :) you definately love her fpr her and physical attraction is not a bad thing!!! I wish you the best of luck <3

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Afraid of asian bloods what should i do?

Well i went to this school. Got expelled for "robbing someone" I didn't rob him he owed me some money and said he wasn't gonna pay me. So i caught him and got my money. Anyway now he is too scared to go back to school. And they reversed my expulsion. But all his little asian blood friends keep looking at me. And one of them who is my friend isn't a blood he is TRG and he said they are planning to jump me before the last day of school. I wouldn't be scared of just asians i'll fight like 5 of them and win but i know they got guns too. And i'm scared one might try to shoot me. I'm not in a gang so i don't really have anybody rolling with me. Idk what to do. I have been ducking these dudes for the past week. Telling on them won't do anything. The school can't do anything till after they jump me. And if i call the cops and snitch it will be even worse because there big homies will come shoot me

I am very insecure around my friends, and feeling fat?

Don't skip will not help at all. Instead workout, eat low cal diet or replace 1 meal with fruits and salads. Drink low sugar juices. But there's no replacement to exercises...

Why does music make me so depressed?

Okay so im 13 (girl) and I barley have anyfriends and stuff plus im ugly.. but anyways.. I listen to hollywoodundead and it just makes me so sad.. like I wish I lived their lifee and stuff,, and Even the happy songs that are upbeat and stuff (no5) get me sad...But I started listening to Duece (9lives) story of a snitch and I started crying.. idk why..even when I listen to MychemicalRomance and eminem.. I just wanna meet them so badly and hang out with them.. but then I look and see at all their MILLIONZ of fans.. Im never going to be lucky enough for any of that.. I just feel so depressed.. Im just a waste of skin and I wanna kill myself and die.. theirs nothing worth living for.. I even cut myself..just nothing.. my parents dont care theirs no one I can talk to.. its just not worth it anymore :( Please help.. just someone.. or dont.. i dont care about anything anymore :(

Good sun cream for the face?

I'm going on holiday soon &am looking for advice on a gd quality sun cream for my face. I find the regular body ones too greasy on my face, they really clog up pores. Price range �15-20. Was thinking about Clinique, maybe estee lauder. Also heard Vichy does one- has anyone ever tried it? I like their regular moisturisers.

Fun Things to do on the last day of school?

So my last day of middle school is TOMORROW. Crazy right? Well, i've been thinking for a while, I NEED to do something the last day. It'll be the last time I'm at the school, since i'm going to high school so. Anyways first let me say that kids at my school have big mouths. Because there was a planned food fight, but someone snitched or had a big mouth so this whole week they have had us eat in our classrooms for lunch. And 2. There was gonna be a water fight but someone snitched and or had a big mouth AGAIN so today and im sure tomorrow, they are dismissing us by grade and forcing us to go directly on the bus. I need some fun pranks (possibly to get enemies back) and or just ways to enjoy myself the last day.

A good alternate drug for weed?

Some of my friends smoke what they call "spice" im not sure if that is a well known name for it or not but apparently it almost identical to weed but it can not be traced. The friends that do it have jobs which require them to take drug tests every so often. Thats why they smoke spice instead of weed. Hope this helps somewhat

What do you think about the president asking citizens to snitch on others about the health care meetings?

Wanting to tell people the truth is "snitching"? I bet you were all for the TIPS homeland security program, too.

Was this girl trying to flirt or what? a women's perspective would be jim dandy?

Ok so like a few weeks ago, my class went outside, and some how me and girls that i had liked her best friend, an my friend sam, a guy, were talking about where each of our cars were so i pointed to mine, and the girl that i like had no idea what kinda style her car was, so i asked two door or four. and she said four so i said that it is a sedan. then she tried to locate another friend of her's car and she said it was a jetta, so she quickly pointed out a VW and the body shape was way different in my mind, so i said no that's a passat, and then i named some other cars in the area, then she start, in a sarcastic tone mind you, "oh yea that one is a 400 si direct injected fuel...", and some other crazy stats that made no sense. then later that week we were talking about soccer on bikes, so i said so basically like quitiddich, and she goes nope, because there is a quaffle , a bulger, and a snitch, the only two things in common is that they are cool. Then she asked me if i thought before i spoke, i think as a rhetorical question, so me being the smart ****, i said sometimes, and that ended the conversation so i need your help ladies

Timeline of events during the reign of Ramses the second?

I tried looking for one but couldn't find any. Could someone post a timeline of events during his reign. I need it for a history assignment.

Describe what life was like for early Christians during the reign of the roman empire?

Do you mean before or after Christianity was made the state religion as they are both Early days for Christianity

Facebook problem, please help?

I have somewhat of a problem on facebook, I have my snitch aunt as a friend on there, and i'm 17, and i have a child.But she still continues to try to run my Facebook life, i'm not posting bad things on there or anything, it just really annoys me when she comments on everything. she also trys to make something that sounds good, make it bad. I would like to post whatever i want on facebook without her seeing it, but i would still like to have her as a friend, is there anyway, i can block her from seeing my posts & commenting but still have her as a friend?

How to turn off roaming on samsung tocco lite?

Hi everyone, I have a samsung tocco lite, currently on holiday abroad, the red 'R' is on my phone which I think is for roaming, how do I turn it off on the samsung tocco lite phone?thank you in advance

Critical/jealous friend?

hi, i have this friend who is really annoying me. i think it may be jealousy. she is a snob and i look past this and just ignore it but she is a total ***** with my daughter. she seems to hate the fact that my daughter is loud and confident, but thats her personality and i embrace rather than knock it. its not as if my friend czn say anythin becuz she is a loud person. yet when speaking to my daughter who is six btw, she constantly tells her to be quiet, or say "do we have to shout" and tells her to use her manners and basically nitpicks every little thing. thing is my daughter uses her manners, she is friendly and bubblyand everyone, inc family, friends, teachers etc love her and think she's great apart from my friend who does nothing but nitpick. i work with kids and have done for 5 years and i understand how things she says can impact on my daughters confidnce if she carries on. her partner has his own two kids frm previous relationships and she is same with them but thats not my business my daughter is mine and she shud keep her nose out cuz it gets to me that she tells her off when im there??? like if she doin summat that i dont like I will tell her ya kno....and my friend will also kinda like "snitch" on my daughter to me about stupid things that my friend expects me to tell her off for and im just like "oh well she a kid int she thats what kids do" i have told her about this before but we fell out for a while and have recently made up but she still the same towards my daughter. thing is i kno if i say owt she will take it seriously to heart and we will end up not bein friends which i dnt want i just want her to understand kids shud be embraced not seen and not heard and nit picked at :( i think my friend does have quite low self confidence even tho she acts confident, and i think the fact i work with kids she feels she has to prove herself that she is just as good as me with kids if not better?? any advice on how to deal with this friend before i snap??

How much is camping equipment in the U.s.?

I am going on a holiday to the USA and am planning a lot of hikes and camps. I was wondering whether or not I should buy camping gear that I don't have here or over there. How much are two-5man tents, sleeping bags fit for late Autumn/Fall, hiking shoes...What else should I take/buy if I am going to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone in early september to late october? Your help is very much appreciated, thankyou! :)

25 year old guy, not in a relationship, what's wrong with me?

Look, everyone's gonna have hard times in relationships. You're not the worse so put your head up and live life to the fullest. You're only 25, even an 80 year old an still find love so you can. So please, you got one chance to live so live it good. And besides, if she's not interested her loss. There are millions of fishes in the sea. And one day you'll find one. Keep your eyes and ears open. Focus on today, live for today. Good luck and best wishes to you!

WWE not pushing other races?

Currently they are. Del Rio is rumored to be #1 contender at Summerskam, Sin Cara is undfeated. Mark Henry is on roll by taking out the Big Show and Kane, Kofi Kingston was just United States Champ, Big Zeke is current Intercontiental Champ and R-Truth was just #1 contender and is a brilliant heel, so...

When i canter sometimes i lean to far forward in my two point and fall off my horses head but........?

but........... when im sit back more i loosen the reigns and by the time i get to the jump my reigns are way to loose any tips>|?????????

Where did Edward VI of England live during his reign?

Good question and I was not sure but as he died at Greenwich Palace in Kent, I am going to say that is where he lived during his short reign.

End of the year... but i have almost ALL the guys in class hating on me?!?!?!?

Dont do may sound pretty stupid but dont. Or you can tell the principle or something or ask ur mom or dad to go to another school next year. Because i hate those other sites, i barely like facebook and stuff. But dont worry about him, if he wants to be a douche bag let him be one, "what goes around comes around". so if he wants to go talking sh*t about you, let know what you did do and you know what u didnt do. Let him be the douche bag that he is. Just one more month and you dont have be around him anymore. For the next month, just keep ya head held up high like you dont give a care what he says like none of that means anything to you. show ppl that you dont care and it'll make him look stupid. Dont let ppl do that to you. Dont let ppl bring you down. Dont show ppl your weakness, because it will only run you down! Hoped i helped.

Is my step mom trying take my dad away?

I'm a 12 year old girl. I live with my mom and step dad. My dad recenly got married about 3 years ago. Me and my step mom have not had a good relationship and to make matters worse she just got diagnosed with cancer a very rare case. She tries to tell me that I'm the cause of my dad passingout because I have not told the truth and I am a snitch. I can't take it and one time I feel really bad about it though.I have a step sister and she likes to play house so we were playing house and all the sudden it it turned to a bf gf thing nothing was sexual because it would just be well weird and so she started to kiss me and she was pretending to be a guy so I was shocked on were she learned this from. So she told me ok so bow Im the girl so I tried to keep things simple like playing with barbies but Nooooo It got changed into what she did to me and my brother came in while we were pretending it was night time so the lights were off and he told my dad and my step mom found out what happened and my little sister palractically lied making it out tO be sexual assult and i did not even know it was tell after and I feel realllllyyyy bad about it and the next time I went to my dads house she made us sleep in separate rooms ( we usually share a room) so of coarse that made me feel that much more bad and my dad talked to me about it and he said it was a mistake every teen does it and he said even he did it and my dad had work that weekend so my step m had to take us to the airport. On the way she told me that what I did was so bad that they almost would not allow me to come back and visit my father that made me mad so I bursted in tears and my dad does not know half of the stuff my step mom says to me because I am so terrified she's going to call me a snitch again I finally told my mother about it and she told my dad and I was scared he would tell my step mom and she would hate me even more. What makes me feel like they don't love me is they forgot my birthday :( they don't ever cal.

Parents are forcing me to go on holiday!?

i'm sure they just want you to be there and spend time with you, but you might enjoy it once you're there ! after all, they are your family :D

How would you feel if randy orton beats christian at mitb?

if randy orton beats christian at mitb that will be the third time randy has defeated christian at pay per view and i do think that fans will get tired of orton and start booing him like cena. i will be really upset because christian deserves to be world champion and he deserves to have a decent title reign after what hes done for the wwe and that douche vince all these years.

Does everyone now see why Public Sector Unions have to be reigned in?

They are like Ponzi schemes they promise their workers great pensions and medical care that does not die with them taking their money in dues and unable to keep up with the demand. There are less workers joining the unions or should I say they are less work available and the baby boomers are retiring causing great conflict. There is less money going in these Unions and they are faced with the reality of there failure so instead of working with the problem they cause unrest ad unsustainable demands. This is why the unions were the ones to push Obama for Obama care since they wanted to eventually rid themselves of health care the bottom line is they are broke like every other co. and the people need to wake up!

Warcraft 3 reign of chaos battlenet mini games what happend?

there used to be like a tower defense one and the sheep and hunter and a bunch of others i lost my game and i just got a new one but the mini games for aren'tt there what happend

Why was unemployment high during Margaret Thatcher's reign?

When Thatcher came to power, the UK's budget was in such a mess that the IMF had been called in by the previous government to stop us going bankrupt. A total over-haul of the economy was required, scaling back public spending and ending government support of failing businesses (such as mining). This led to a lot of public sector jobs being cut to try and save money, and obviously there were a lot of people losing their jobs as the private sector tried to get back on its feet. The high unemployment at the start of her time as Prime minister was due to a mixture of economic factors, and the policies put in place to try and fix the economy. By the end of her time in charge, however, unemployment had fallen drastically.

Are there fireworks going off any other night this weekend besides the actual 4th of july in the seattle area?

The fourth of july is my favorite holiday and I would like to see fireworks go off fri sat sun and moday in the tacoma-seattle area! Anyone know of any places doing that?

Going out for dinner with my crush, help, im nervous!?

One of my best friends has just split up with his girlfriend of 7 months (he dumped her), he suggested that we meet up in the summer holidays so we are going to xscape and do the adventure course then for dinner. It's just me and him, he knows that I like him. Does he like me?he'd flirts with me all the time and always puts loads of x's at the end of messages to me, I'm really nervous and don't want any awkwardness at dinner, how can I make sure we have fun and everything flows well?thanks, were both 15 btw!x

What bad decisions did Margaret Thatcher make?

As the question asks, what bad decisions did Margaret Thatcher make during her reign. Explaining why it was bad will help! thanks :D

Fadvice on how to take out a bully?

like at school people are constantly.words,dead arms,you name it.any info on howto take someone out quick? please no inexpirienced hippies telling me to snitch because the teachers dont care and it makes it worse.

Why does my sister always snitch on me?

okay im 15 and shes always telling on me shes 22 and lives at home with her 2 yr old day i took her phne with out asking(ikw bad) then we were in the kitchen and she ask me did i have it so i confessed(good right) she was coo for like 2 minutes and then was like" come on(her sons name) lets go tell on your auntie" i was like WTF??!? they told and i got fussed then was mad cuz all he said was next time your in trouble then one day i did some really bad i got caught sneaking out our dad was out of town so she rushed back into her room and told on me she didnt even say nothing to me she just called and i got a long speech from my daddy about babies and a little before that i siad i wasnt going to talk to her anymore so i didnt went a long my sister get an EBT card so we let her buy grocereys and she told my dad why should i eat her food if im not talkin to her? my dad bought me some food and made me talk to her everytime we get in an arguement she brings up all the wrong i've done calls me a bad person and say i have no friends once she called me a whore..wen she was in high school i never told on her even ttho i had a ton of dirt and water to spill i kept qiet from the Alcohol to boys in the house while my dad was at work and one time i caught a guy comming out the window early in the morning..i never said a word she tells about the smallest things even if i didnt clean up the kitchen due to forgetfulness sje always tell im so confused???

Michael Jackson Fan where are you ?

i am not here religiously, but when i've to ask something or when i am bored or when i think i answered a quesiton really good...did i get any thumb up? sth like that...then i do come here but these days its pretty much daily that i am visiting, but i hv a rule i seldom answer questions unrelated to MJ all the answers i give are all about MJ 'cause i dont hv much knowledge abt other stuff as much as i do abt him 'cause i love mike endlessly :) and yeah good to see you here... :)

Finding it hard to trust my boyfriend?

I've been together with my boyfriend for about 10 months in total, but only 5 months officially in a relationship, before it was just casually dating. I recently found out though that he was still in contact, and still seeing girls he had slept with in the past. As in, still catching up with them whilst we were in a relationship. He said its because he didn't want to see like a douche by sleeping with them and then cutting ties with them. But i asked him, what about me? What about the fact that whilst in a relationship with me, he was catching up with these girls BECAUSE of the the fact that he'd slept with them. I was so upset with him, and i still am. I dont feel like i can trust him anymore. What should i do? He's away for a family holiday for 2 weeks. I really want to talk to him when he gets back.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is there a way to learn krav mag well from my house?

you see i want to learn martial art but my dad can't seem to get in contact to a martial arts master and i am sort of tired of waiting. so i can tell you two things i am skinny and big not sure about strong but i think from a scale to one to ten i would be 5. so you see there is a large amount of bullies in my class (3!!!!!) i know what your thinking but that is half my class! i have 6 people in my class if you want me to do the math. know you see i am worried they will somehow corner me out of school and force me into a fight since well they decided i am a nice person to pick on it would make my life easier if i knew how to protect my self if that happened i am at the summer holidays and i hoped by next year i would be stronger then them. there is one of them who is even taller then me and fat that is a major Advantage if you don't know how to fight is there a way to get stronger then him in 2 months from your hose without a teacher!?


actually really good..but i don't like the "let em takeover for a week" part....and yeah.. well done. but i hope you know your heavy contradictions to "your source"

What do you think of this WWE storyline?

Not bad. I think anything is better than what the WWE will do (which is CENA WINS OVERCOMES ODDS OHMYGOD).

Name of movie about a holiday in Portugal?

An older movie, comedy, involving a British(?) couple and her sister on holiday in Portugal and a paparazzi who accidentally looses his film in the couples belongings. Every time he gets close to retrieving the film, he has an accident and breaks something.

Why is it about reigning-in Fannie and Freddie that makes it a "right wing extremist" idea?

Because liberals never saw a problem with Fannie and Freddie, especially Dodd, Walters, and Frank. To this day, I still think they can't see a problem with fannie and freddie.

Does it cost money to use my bb apps like facebook in other countries?

I'm going away on holiday to Germany on monday, I live in the UK. I was just wondering if it would cost me money to use my facebook app over there? Also, I am on a contract with Orange, I get free texts, internet and 300 minuets, would it cost to send texts and use the internet over there, one more thing.. would BBM still be free to use?

Historical book questions?

Consider what you have learned about the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. Why do you think that these historical events are popular with the authors who use them as the context for their stories and plays?

Why don't people accept the Biblical fact that the earth is flat?

Because a few hundred sailors sort of went around the world without falling off and then a few hundred years later some astronauts sort of went up there and saw it was round.

Does my ex gf still have feelings for me?

Yes she still obviously cares about you, unlesss shes trying to be alittle more friendly ;) I know i would never text my ex unless i missed him or cared about him! good luck

How to get my phone back?

Common sense should tell you that you can't use you phone during a test. Maybe you're not ready for the responsibility. You can try apologizing to your mom and ask her to forgive you.

How to get over a girl?

I'm a 16 year old guy, I was going out with this girl or other words she was my girlfriend, my first girlfriend. I was with her for about 2 months and 3 weeks. Everything was going good until about... a month and a half ago and we broke up at that time too BUT for 3 weeks of that period of time she went overseas for a holiday, when she came back she asked me to call her so I did and after a while of normal talking she asked me if she wanted to be just friends and I said I don't know and she just hanged up. I didn't know what came to me but I just decided to send a text saying a couple of things and ending it with a break up, I asked her around 6 times why, tried talking to her, tried a lot of things and she just got annoyed causing no communication at all. Around a week later, she already has a new boyfriend and from then its been a month by now. I still miss her and I do try to get over her but I look at photos every now and then. I know some of you will say I should focus on studying and that but yeah... I still miss her and still hope for a day that I'll be with her again.

Why is my right pinkie finger weak and tingling?

For about half an hour my arm felt light and I couldn't extend my pinkie finger all the way. It passed, but my arm still feels a little lightweight and chilled. I am on holiday and a week and a half from my doctor. I have had two ocular migraines in the last two weeks and am worried something's up with my brain.

American college holiday system?

when will be their summer holidays? christmas break? please answer me briefly including all the dates if possiblle, thank you !

Underage drinking in California?

Ok so I did something really stupid last week. I brought a half of a water bottle of vodka to school. One of my friends told me I should bring it and at first I said no but then I gave in and said ok. It was a really bad idea. So anyways I guess one of our classmates snitched on us for drinkin it and also for an incident in which another friend of mine brought weed brownies to school. So we got called into the office today. All three of us were separately interview with an officer present and I ended up telling them that I had brought the vodka and that I drank some of it but my other friend drank most of it ( which he did ) so then all three of us are suspended for five days starting tomorrow. Our last week of school is next week. I was wondering what legal trouble I could get into. Oh and btw I live in california. I willingly confessed and I was very cooperative. He said I may not graduate. Oh and I almost forgot I'm 14 and I'm in eighth grade. Will I have to repeat the eighth grade? I'm really worried. I really regret it. Please help!

Jehovah witness can you tell me why?

We teach / preach the same gospel Jesus did. The theme of his preaching was God's Kingdom, and how it is the ONLY real solution to mankind's problems. Yes, we talk about war, crime, injustice, etc., but in the context that it fulfills the signs of the last days, that Jesus taught about, and that the end of this system is very close. We preach the same thing Jesus did. If you preach anything different, YOU preach a different and corrupt gospel.

Please... I need comforting?

My whole life is pretty much great. I ranked as a genius on a professional IQ test, I have great friends, all except for my family. My mom has violent mood swings, my dad is abusive and has anger issues, and my sister tells on me every chance she gets, no matter if she trips by herself, she'll snitch. One day one of my neighbors called Child Services because they saw bruises on my neck and heard screaming. It was because my dad was throwing me around my room by my hair and squeezing my neck. I had to lie to Child Services about what happened and that my dad was just "trying to get me to look his way", which was half-true. I overheard her calling me a "spoiled little brat" to my mom and they laughed it off, but deep inside, I'm scarred and I will always remember that my dad beat me with a thick, leather belt until my butt bled. My dad doesn't think he abuses me. But, on the positive note, this happens only every other month. Just today I accidentally spit a sunflower seed on my sister's face and she had me grounded. My mom was yelling at me, calling me a "sarcastic, ungrateful, hateful, little girl" and she slapped me. I don't want them to get arrested or me taken away, but please, help me feel better. I have thoughts of suicide a lot. I think that it would be nice to have me out of the world so that everyone else can finally have a better life because I'm just a mistake. Please help me.

What do you think of this?

Its interesting how the two characters are completely opposite of each other in a way. I would suggest elaborating more on the setting so that the reader has a clearer picture of where they are. It looks great though keep it up!

JBL vs Alberto Del rio, who a better Heel?

I like JBL way better. I loved when he had that super long title reign. Do you think Alberto Del Rio trying to copy off of him with his gimmick.

Name trends -love or hate-?

I hope to God it does. I'm really sick of hearing girl names that end in -lee or -ana and boy names that have -aiden in them somewhere. Oh, and I don't like going over to babysit some kid named Brett and finding out it's a girl. I mean, there are gender pronouns in the English language for a reason. Use them!

I feel like a worthless piece of ****..?

I feel worthless and I have officially hit rock bottom. So I am bisexual and I have had 2 terrible relationships happen to me this year. The first girlfriend I had I was with for a while, however she ended up claiming she was busy all the time and it turned out she was leaving me for another guy. I was in the closet at this time and did not come out until a few months later. I then had another girlfriend and she claimed all these feelings about me, but in the end, it turned out she was dating a whole nother guy and was living a whole 'nother life for 5 months. But what is there to like about me? I am 5'10 and I weigh 115 pounds, I am all body muscle however I have been teased and critisized my whole life for being the weak boy. Last year I made a stand and beat the **** out of this kid who bullied me, yet I was wrong in doing so as in people continued to call me skinny and worthless. (I am a senior now) My freshman year, it got so bad that I had to get adult help as I could not walk home safely, and I became known as the snitch. Okay back to the present. I began to like this boy who is sweet, and nice. However he doesn't notice me as much as other guys (even bi and gay ones.). And it seems that no one wants to get to know me (in person I look confident and happy as ever but really I i feel like burring myself and rotting in a hole). Everyone goes off of what other people say and think. They never want to get a second look of me. At the lgbt prom (18 and under) I went and some guy grabbed me, draged me to a corner and said "we should kiss" and I was offended. He didnt even ask my name. 5 minutes later I was asked to go to some guys car and have sex, and I know I should be "appreciating" this but its demeaning to me. They like what they see in a very dark prom room and want to just get off to me. Yet in reality I am unnoticed (I give my self confidence in public) and I crumble and fail each time. The boy I like on the last day of school, however, said goodbye to me and I offered a high five and he said "no give me a hug" and he hugged me, which seemed different but I havent talked to him since. I know this sounds like a rant, but its about 3:30 A.M. and I am having all of this dawning on me and I cant keep pretending to be happy anymore. Any advice? :'(

Can i sue a guy who film me. He is making me dump my bf?

That is what we call rape, now call 911!!! u were forced into it. Trust me. Just promise never to flirt ever again. If you do ull only get raped again and again and thats messed k. he is 16 so what, he goin to Juvenal jail. call 911 and ull be fine. oh and u need to take some karate. take it with ur bf. everyone is going to feel sorry for you and support you. I have a friend who had the same thing happen to her. sorry to hear. all will be fine, ull get back up. CALL 911

Guy in my school keeps sexually harassing me...?

Theres this popular guy in my school whos ONLY perverted with me. Everyone else thinks he's so funny and chill, but I've seen his true colours. In the beginning it wasn't that bad, I mean he just used to call my name and tell me to come to him (even though I had no idea who he was), and I used to ignore him (cuz I found him creepy). Then it started getting gradually worse. In the hallways, he'd quickly put an arm around me while he was passing by, then he started checking me out really pervertedly, and at first I think it was cuz he wanted to make his friends laugh, but then he started doing it even when his friends weren't there. Then this one time when I was at my locker, I felt someone touch my butt, and when I turned around it was him. Now he's been touching me a lot- some days he touches my butt, and other days he touches my breasts (he does it discreetly). It's making me feel really disgusted and vulnerable. Like to EVERYONE else he's so sweet, but I don't know why he's so perverted with me! Why does he have to bother me?? I barely know who he is. I'm way too scared to snitch on him because I know everyone will hate me if I do, and it's not that long til school ends, but I'm really scared that since school is ending, he'll do something way way worse to me soon. I'm also really sick of the feeling I get before I go to school each day, always anticipating what he'll do next. I'm not the kind of person who gives reactions to those kinds of things, I try my best to ignore it, but he's getting creepier and creepier. What should I do??

Why did the relationship between Elizabeth I and Philip II of Spain deteriorate so much?

During the reign of Mary and the begining of Elizabeth's reign, Elizabeth and king philip II of Spain had a very good relationship. But of course towards the latter half of Elizabeths reign, Philip supported plots against her and attempted an invasion in 1588. so why did they become so apposed to each other?

Long term side effects of coming off the contraceptive pill?

I came off the pill in February of this year, after being on it for 10 years, as me and my husband want to have a baby. I had a period 6 weeks after coming off the pill,then had my first proper period 4 weeks after that around the 8th April, then another period 4 weeks after that on the 8th May and since then ive had nothing. I have broken out in spots that don't seem to be clearing and feel so fat and bloated all the time. Im going on holiday in 3 months and have been eating a healthy balanced diet and gyming it 5 times a week but can't seem to loose any weight. I just don't get it im trying so hard to be healthy but it just seems wasted effort, and I know there is no chance of getting pregnant with my periods all messed up which Is adding to my constant mood swings. Im also feeling quite down in the dumps a lot and frankly its really pissing me off, which makes me feel worse. is there anyone else experience these symptoms when they came off the pill? and how long did it take for you to feel normal?

Is my marriage in trouble?

I would very very bluntly tell him, "Your family are a bunch of damn idiots. You've lost your damn mind if you think I'm going to take the blame for that! I'm warning you, you better think twice before you open your mouth because right now, you act just like those idiots. And you best consider yourself damn lucky that I haven't sent you back to your family."

I like this boy and I want to ask him out (read description)?

Well, I fancy a boy about my age at school. I told a boy who then told him, so be is aware of me liking him. My best friend obviously knew because she is, well, my best friend, but she spilled the beans to a snitch who then told him. I really want to ask him out but I am too scared as he might reject me and word will get out. Making me an embarrassed girl.. HELP ME!

I hate my little brother?

he is the most annoying **** ever and i want to make him hate his life he thinks he is king of the house and he always gets alot of attention my parents keep on calling me a failure and says thats hes more clever than me even though he had to repeat like 3 times he is also a crybaby and a snitch and my parents also beileve him and not me he also likes to gloat alot which is so ***** annoying i want to make his life misreably i want revenge what can i do

What bit shall I use to encourage a bend on a young horse?

I am currently riding my welsh d mare (4yrs) in a loose ring sweet iron bit with bronze rings, I'm not sure on the name. I am unsure on how to encourage a bend using the correct equipment while she is young. I ride her correctly and work her from underneath and ensure she uses her behind but still she only bends when she feels like it in walk. I have been told to use double reigns and pelham but I would have thought that would be too strong for such a young mouth? Perhaps a bungee? Please help, all answers welcome and the best and most polite will be given five stars. Thank you.

How do I stop people from using my dumpster?

I am remodeling my house, and I have a dumpster in my driveway, and people are constantly throwing trash in my dumpster. Every morning I go there to work on my house I find new items in my dumpster. I even found a couple of couches, and broken down lawnmowers in the dumpster. The dumpster is in a neighborhood where everybody is friends with everybody and if I call the police the people in the neighborhood will not snitch on each other. I was thinking about putting camera's around the house, but the way the house is set up, and the way the dumpster is located I will not be able to get a license plate number. At best I would get a picture of the person's doing it and a description of a vehicle. Can someone please give me some idea's about what I can do about this situation. This is costing me a great deal of money.

How can I get this Call of Duty 4 mod to work?

I have Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and I downloaded the Reign of the Undead zombie mod and if someone else hosts the game it works fine. But if I try to host a game(I don't have broadband I'm trying to play a single player zombie game) There are three optoins: non-dedicated, internet or LAN. If I try to host it non-dedicated then it loads the map and I can walk around and everything and it says wave one: 20 zombies incoming but no zombies spawn. Every little while(a minute maybe.) something comes up saying something like punkbuster client in distress(you have to have punkbuster on to host non-dedicated). If I click on internet or LAN then(with punkbuster on or off) then the game closes and a new window called Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Console comes up with a bunch of stuff scrolling down in the console thingy. Then it stops and the only thing I can do is close the console thing. How can I get it to work? Thanks

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A good alternate drug for weed?

Ok, well heres how it goes. I'm 13 years old and i started smoking weed every once in a while about two months ago, usually when my friends have it. (I don't buy it) But the in the last few months my parents, who also smoke weed + chewing tobacco and cigarettes, caught me after a "friend" snitched on me. So now they are drug testing me. I failed the first test about a month ago and I passed one last week. I really want to keep smoking but im afraid they will test me again and I will get caught. So what is a good alternate drug that doesn't show up on a 7 drug drug test? Also if i do keep smoking weed and do get caught with a failed test I'm trying to think of something to tell them along the lines of "Yeah, maybe I have smoked pot but I'm not going off doing anything that's really bad for me. If I smoke pot it will keep me away from those harder drugs but if you want to keep drug testing me I might have to switch to the harder drugs that wont show up on a test."

How can I get the Patriot Act *removed in my city?

I know that Pittsburgh or Philly did it...I really don't like the idea that just because I get books at the library to understand the struggles of people in the Middle East or get online to check up on whatever the hell I want (or even if I don't do any of that) gives agents the right enter my home, check things out, and then leave without ever telling me. Those agents are people too, and I don't trust people with free reign to invade my privacy. Anyway how did they get this constitutional nightmare out of their cities? links please :)

As of now, what are your playoff predictions for this season?

Let's get this out of the way -- Alex Ovechkin wins the Conn Smythe for a stellar four series, only because super-sub goalie Braden Holtby doesn't save the Caps until sometime during the Stanley Cup Final against Vancouver, when fellow young goalie Michal Neuvirth falters from playing too many pressure games in a row.


A couple hours ago my brothers "friends" (they are all gang members who carry guns, and have been in trouble with the law several times) came to my house and asked to borrow my brothers brand new phone for an emergency. My brother agreed and handed the phone over to the guy (he is like 24, my brother is 16) the guy ran away and took the phone with him while saying is you snitch i will kill you and your family!!? I am 12 and i am too young to die. Please help we talked to the police but my brother is scared and wont say a word because the guys will send "people" for them.

My teacher found out I made a mean video about her?

As a teacher, I can understand the both of you. People your age are still unaware of reality. You're immature because you are still testing people and playing with their feelings to learn from the experience. You can tell her that you've thought about what you did and that you felt pressured. You should try your best to grow up and avoid doing things for the fun of seeing the end result. This could affect your whole life, so take it easy on yourself. You could forgive yourself by seeking peace within yourself and without the need of her forgiveness. That's a major lesson in the real world: we don't always get the forgiveness so we must find peace with what we can. One day, when you're all grown and working in something decent, come back to visit her and ask her forgiveness again. Good luck, child!

Do we get holidays off at jobcorps?

I was wondering if i get to go home for thanks giving and christmas for the holidays and how long are the breaks?

Why have i become so dark?

Ive come back from holiday 1 year ago and my tan has taken over my natural colour why? i look soo dark now? i use to be the lightest girls around, how do i get light again

Would we get expelled?

So my friend "Jack" had the answers to the benchmark & he said they were all right. So I copied it down with my friend & gave it to some people & we all used it. The answers were all right! More people from other classes started using it & the next day,two of my friends were accused for cheating. The teacher told them that,"It it impossible for you to get a 90% or higher because even the smartest ppl in this class didn't get a 90%." so he basically told them that they weren't smart enought to get an A. The principal found a person who was also giving out answers,but he/she didn't snitch on any of us. Now the staff is reconsidering for the whole grade to retake the benchmark. If the people who cheated get a lower score than their first test,we're dead. Would we ALL get expelled?

In Harry Potter the Deathly hallows Part 1.......?

I was wondering when Harry, Ron and Harmione get captured by the snatchers, they take harmiones book, and the snitch from harry BUT in the basement Ron still manages to pull out his diluminator. Why didnt they take that? Is it mentioned in the book? (i an only on the 4th book) I was just wondering. Yes it seems a bit tedious, but i was just wondering is all.

Help!! How Do I get out of this deep dark depression?

I need help. For the past couple of years I've been in a bad depression. I have two beautiful kids who I'm so proud of. I want to be happy and be able to enjoy life with them. They make me smile, but this depression, anxiety, feeling so low and horrible affects what we all do. I never want to leave the house. I dread going outside to take them to play. So they usually play inside the house, unless someone else takes them outside. And it's summer I just want to be able to enjoy things with them. I can't though. I hate how I feel since I've gained baby weight. I want to get out and walk, but I'm so depressed I don't want people to see or talk to me. I want to get some sun, but Im scared everybody is going to make fun of how I look. I dread holidays, which is horrible because I'm usually soo excited for them, but the past few have been bad, somehow they always get ruined by people. I hate feeling like this. But, there have been some bad things happen to me in the past and it's hard to pull myself out of this when I have no help. I don't have medical insurance or I would try to get on some medicine. How do I stop caring what other people think?? Please help me out if you know of anyway I can get out of this. Thanks.

Please help me with my ex boyfriend, advice?

okay, so I have an on and off boyfriend for a year weve been dating since i was 13, and he was old 14, I lost my virginity to him a mouth later and we had a really sexual relationship. but he's always effin around. the reason we broke up is because i cheated on him with his best friend who i use to smoke weed with when my b.f left the state for summer, and when he came back his friend snitched so he dumped me. we were really in love with eachother , but he screwed me over when we had sex a while ago , he had a new g.f [total bi*ch] but he turned around and told me I'm an easy whore. so he's been threatening me for a while about telling my mom everything we've done [sex, pot, the sneaking out, skipping school] He's been having problems with his dad, so I think he's taking it out on me. but hes also texting me telling me he wants me still and i'm the only girl from him, i'm beatiful, and we were both idiots for leaving eachother, but than he tells me the complete oppsite. I'm in love with him and in the past we've been talking about having a baby with eachother. [money isn't a problem; his family's rich] Cause he admitted he tried getting me preggo's once. I need help D:

Any advice on how can i lose weight?

I need to lose 95lbs before july 2012 as this is when i go on holiday, any advice would be apprecated x

Would i be able to drop the sexual assault charges?

There aren't any charges to be dropped...he can't be charged with sexual assault unless a victim (you) says something...relax...they're just kids...they have no idea what they're talking about.


actually really good..but i don't like the "let em takeover for a week" part....and yeah.. well done. but i hope you know your heavy contradictions to "your source"

I'm grounded for three days: what should I do?

Okay, so I got really frustrated and said "fu*k!" to myself. My cousins (who are MAJOR snitches) heard me and squealed on me. So then I got lectured by my mom and my aunt. My mom took my phone away until Friday morning. That's the problem because my mom freaks out if I talk to guys on the phone, and I'm scared that she'll look through my phone now that she has it. And I don't do sexting. I just talk to my guy friends normally and sometimes flirt and tease each other. Nothing inappropriate. I'm just scared that she's going to look through it and see my contacts and messages. She's really paranoid about these kinds of things. So I get grounded for saying the f-word. It's so annoying having cousins who are goody two-shoes. They are going to see and hear things way worse than the f-word. I understand it was irresponsible of me, and I did apologize. I'm just really scared of my mom snooping around with my phone. Please help! I'm 15, btw.

How to help your boyfriend through a rough patch?

me and my boyfriend are going through a rough patch! we do love each other but I think it's because we spend so much time together! I'm going on holiday next Saturday and i will be gone for 3 weeks so we have time apart but he wont listen and thinks we should break up?

Question about I am number four?

ok as I watching im asking this what was the lizard that followed them and that turn into a dog and is it a a snitch and who the h3ll is the chick that blow up a house because I found that scene annoying me unknowing what it was and does the movie have that stuck girls that you wish they didn't use.......AND this better not have a love story or I'll be made >:(................

Are there any relation between these?

In canticles chapter 8 it talks about a little sister without breasts and a wall and 1000 pieces of silver which either 200 of 1200 belong to solomons brother solomon or one fifth of the thousand. Now in revelation chapter 20 and 6 it mentions the thousand year reign in canticles 8 it mentions a wall and a battlement of silver. Now it measures the structure of its wall. Of which i would like to know according to the periodic table of elements which is the strongest and if the base is either jasper or diamond according to to some jasper means diamond of which if it is the strongest material is at the base.. Also the seventh up is crysolite which an angel appeared as crysolite in Daniel 10:6 and in ezekiel the the four living creatures which some believe to be the strong weak nuclear force and the electromagnetic force and gravity. Of which in earlier may be a poetic description of our universe. Now the wall was built like this. Diamond ( for arguments sake) sapphire chalcondony emerald sardonyx sardius chrysolite beryl topaz chrysoprase hyacinth and finally amethyst. However job did mention in 28 verse 18 coral and rock crystal will not be mentioned. Anyway there's so much more to say and typing on my android sucks can anyone tell me if there's science in the 12 foundations of this 144 cubit wall is there an engineers intelligents behind the rocks integrity? And set about grammer using it on this phone sucks. Anyone who speaks abusive of me is gay and anyone who is gay is gay so go look for your pot of gold somewhere else and trip on 666 gold talents some day.

Do you think i can sue a guy who film in a minor even tough he is a minor?

im sorry to say this but rather or not it felt good you shouldnt have let him touch you in those appropriate ways anyway. your only 13 (and so am i) and thats not cool. You should really tell the police because your to young and if you ask me thats rape. But i understand you dont because your boyfriend will be pissed, your mom will too, & your dad will make you move. But all of that doesnt matter you should still tell the police. And if you dont tell anyone it will come out of the dark eventually. Like they always say (Whats done in the dark comes to the light) so everyone will eventually find out. So you should go tell now before it gets too late because if you wait too late they will be even more mad and you will be in even more trouble so go ahead and tell NOW!

Help me school probz?

I was in school the otherday minding my own buisness and my friend was hangin with me and this kid came up to me and pushed my mate around so my mate picked up an orange and threw it and the juice landed on his '�45.00' shirt ( this kid lies and snitches a lot ) and i went to pick up the orange and i walked past the other boy i was messing ad threw it over his shoulder and an other boy hit him with an orange... Today we were on a trip and i went home early and later my mate rang me saying the head teacher was making me and him pay �22.50 to the kid who was bombarded with oranges but the other boy who threw the orange said i hit the kid with the orange and my friend i had to see the head teacher tomorrow and my mate said if i tell the truth i can go on the trip tomorrow and if i lie i dont get to go on it... I need advice

What can you wear with long maxi dress?

Hey am going on holiday to a hot place and i brought a cute maxi dress from new look...Its my first time wearing a maxi dress...also i got new sandles from river island...what els can i wear to make it look cute?

I think i did something?

ok so im a housekeeper at Holiday Inn and yesterday when i was making a bed my wrist started to hurt and i didnt think anything of it but as the day continued it started to hurt more and more and then today as i was making more beds my wrist hurt again and it started to hurt more and more again and i looked at it today and it looks a little bit bigger than my other wrist and when i move it it hurts and idk if i sprained it or wat but do u have any suggestions like should i go to a doctor or should i wrap it or wat

Is my dad paranoid - or is the FCC considering lifting all restrictions on TV profanity soon?

My dad's a well-intentioned guy - but he doesn't always check his sources when it's something that lines up with his ideology. He recently told me that the FCC is considering letting profanity have free reign on TV, where even the strongest curse words can be broadcast during daytime "family viewing" hours. I can't imagine this going through (due to vicious and justified backlash by parent groups), but is this even an idea that's being tossed around at the moment? If you say it is, please provide a pertinent link with your answer. Thanks!

Two and a half years into his reign, do you think 0bama should start taking responsibility for the economy?

a href=""…/a

Lil siblings trouble..?

I cant take it any more. My 6yr old twin lil bros r driving me nuts! One kept me up all night the other is a MEGA brat. If he doesnt get what he wants he throws everything on the floor n goes to my dad n tells him i did it. They snitch me out. They throw sheet at me n kick me! They go to the neighbors house n NEVER come back on time. If they dont get what they want they throw a tantrum hit u throw stuff at you. They act like angels when my parents are home. When i have to babysit them when my parents aren't home they go DEVIL! They dont even listen to me. I tried being nice im done with it. It doesnt work. How do i make them listen to me n to make them stop being brats

According to Luke 19:27, should Christians be slaughtering all non-believers?

"But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me."

What do you think about this excerpt of my novel?

The narration might be a little too blunt, but the dialogue is pretty well developed. However, it was a little too fast-paced at the end, once the conversation ends and he just suddenly turns up the car. If you add a little more to the narrative part, then it's pretty good.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What were the educational qualifications of hitler, stalin and mao?

I have heard that the three tyrants did'nt even complete school, is this true? I guess that does explain their reigns of terror

What to do when people dont leave you alone?

Well what happend was on Facebook someone made a profile called peter file and pretended to be a pedophile and was going round slagging people off and saying crap and causing arguments, for days everyone thought it was this girl called kirsty and I said 1ce just 1ce its probley someone from their group ...and now she is spreading round the whole school its me everyone thinks its me now when I walk past people they call me pedo and stuff ... it not even me even some of my ' friends ' don't no who to believe me or them I even ran out of school today because they all ganged up on me :( I am in year 9 I have 2 years left of school how do I cope with all this ... I have my boyfriend and like 3 friends by my side but their not in my lessons to defend me or help me stay strong what should I do :( :( I went to a teacher and they didnt do anything now everyone calls me a snitch aswell ...

Ladies: How would you react if you received this from your boyfriend's mother?

Okay, I'm sorry but this is stupid. Either I am mistaking what was to be understood from this letter, it is a huge joke or just stupid.

What should I do? Get a PS3 or buy Xbox 360 games?

Okay during these upcoming holidays I'm planning on buying an HDTV (about either a 37 or 42 inch one) and a speaker system when they are having sales (hopefully going to go out on blackfriday for something). I'm wondering about getting either a PS3 or Xbox games this upcoming Sept (I'll have money for either one). By the time I get it I'll be done with my xbox live gold so I'll have to rebuy a 12 month card for that which is anywhere between $48-$59 and wondering if it will be worth it or to go with the PS3 (free online gaming) as I also was thinking about the ps3 as I want to get a tv that can play 3D movies/Games and I want to get the Star Wars Movies on Blu Ray this fall. On the other hand if I just got games and the xbox live gold card then I can get some extra games and wont need to buy games for the PS3 (which I would do in time, but I will get like 3 games when I get the ps3). I have and enjoy DIXV format movies which the xbox won't play but the PS3 would. I'm planning on getting a used PS3 if I do get it. What do you think I should do?

What should i do? i cant get over her?

4 months ago my wife left from a 9 year relationship, 2 weeks after she left she moved in with another man. i left her alone but then 2 months after she came to my house and asked to take me to lunch, but then it led into her coming over for a few days while her boyfriend was at work cause she wanted to make love. she said she wanted us to be together again someday and wrote a letter expressing her feelings. i took a trip to california for 3 weeks and after i got to california she called and told me that she told her new boyfriend that she had cheated on him with me, and said she never wanted to talk to me or get back with me. i was crushed again cause i thought i was getting my family back. but then she called again and said she missed me and that someday if it was ment to be then our paths will cross again, im so freakin confused on what to do. we have two kids together and the kids took it ruff, i mean there mom and dad is together then 2 weeks later she has them for the weekend with her new boyfriend. they cry to me all the time wondering why we are not together, and my oldest is giving the new guy a very hard time. the relationship was rocky, we went through alot together but always stood behind each other. she calls and complains to me somtimes about the guy, and i try to help by giving advice even tho i hate that she did this to me. and alot of times when she calls she is just very rude to me. what do i do? why would she just move in with another guy so quick and put the kids through heartacke like that. i want to move on but after 4 months i still miss her so badly and dont know what to do. i asked for us to get back together and she just gets mad. and why would she snitch on herself to her new boyfriend about her being with me? is she gone for good or is there a chance on me getting my family back together. i pray everynight on what to do and even ask for him to help me move on, but all i ever feel is to fight to get her back someday. im lost, sad and miss my wife, so any advice would be great on the situation. thanks for all the advice in advance

Airplanes and cartilage ear piercing?

it's almost been a week since i got my ear cartilage piercing and it's still red and it's still throbbing a bit. and tomorrow morning im taking a one hour plane to go on holidays. im kind of scared that my ear is going to hurt because of the air pressure in the airplane, is it going to be affected by the air pressure?

What strength sun cream should I use for my holiday?

I don't want to tan but to stay looking naturaly pale, but I don't want to buy a really expensive sun cream either :D We're going to India for Chistmas mainly northen but a bit of southen so what factor should I use?

To protect the nation from terrorists do we need to end birthright citizenship?

I suppose that it theoretically possible, assuming terrorist organizations have 20 year + game plans to take over, using people who don't yet exist and who may or may not be willing participants. It would certainly be a lot faster and easier to just marry some American girl and bring the current actual terrorist over. Of course, that person would be screened before any visa was actually issued.

Is the ultimate achievement not to "mind"...?

The Master said, "A man who has mindfulness, when he sits, he knows he is sitting, and when he stands, he knows he is standing." Mindfulness does not mean you never get angry, but that you know when you are angry and live in that moment; it does not mean you are never anxious, but that you know you are anxious, and live in that moment. To be or not to be becomes the same - experience.

Atheists / non-christians: Do you believe in a historical Jesus?

I always thought he was probably an actual person, but lately I am not so sure. There's no direct evidence, and the gospels themselves were written 100 - 200 years after he lived. So there's no eyewitness testimony that could possibly have been written by someone who actually saw Jesus. christians sometimes drag out the old chestnut of "Well there's more proof for Jesus than Julius Caesar," but this fallacy is easily trumped by the fact that we have accounts written by Caesar himself and coins of him minted during his reign. This is first-hand evidence. No such luck with Jesus, and he didn't leave a scrap of his own writing so all we know is what other people said about him. The REAL founder of christianity, Saul of Tarsus, doesn't even acknowledge any historical accounts of Jesus (other than his hallucination), which you think he would do if Jesus had actually existed. I just don't see a single piece of hard evidence. What do you think?

Horse freaks out in shows?

i would ask your trainer or vet for some "Ace".Then before you get on him about 30-45 mins before you ride him ask your trainer to give it to him or you can but make sure your trainer is watching you to help incase you miss a step then give him the ace in his neck where the triangle is.The triangle takes about 20 mins to kick in and it lasts about a hr

1.) Who is the best rapper from back in the day? 2.) Who is the best rapper today?

in my opinion it is 2pac fro old school by far and today there is no best there are a feel though like ofwgtadgaf <--- (the best in that crew to me is earl sweatshirt and tyler the creater... tie* and i also like weezy for his metaphors and delivery... i like eminem... yelawolf... immortal technique... (bin laden DIDNT blow up the projects it was bush homie) lil white... tell me what u think. oh and **** 50 cause snitches is bitches.

Is Magneto really a villan? (SPOILER ALERT IF U DIDN'T WATCH FIRST CLASS)?

I don't really think he's a villian, he just does some bad thing in the future that he enjoys doing.

Will Jack's reign be short lived on the Y&R?

I see poor Jack being on the outside again unless he can suck up to Tucker, remember even Ashley didn't want him to run Jabot. Also when Kay finds out what he did to Victor with the stocks. But, will Tucker want Newman's stock in exchange for Jack being CEO of Jabot?

Can I be suspended for THIS?

Ok , so my principal put about 5 people in a room because we didn't want to go outside. And this one boy lit a match , and when my principal walked back he smelled it he already knew it was him because he found the matches by him and he did it before.. And knowbody wanted to tell it was him so he suspended everyone who was in there for not snitching.... CAN WE BE SUSPENDED FOR THAT!?!?!?!

Is this workplace harrasment ? What can I do about it ?

yes i would say its harrassment. I would call HR and tell them about it. They will do an investigation and get to the bottom of the problem. And they will solve it for you. Trust me you can rely on HR, they are there to help you and you can call anonymously.

Christian's reign depends on Undertaker's return?

If Christian wins back the WHC, which he should because if Randy Orton keeps winning it wouldn't be a good rivalry, I think he would have to lose it when Undertaker returns. WWE is obviously pushing Randy Orton and Randy Orton vs Undertaker feud would make more sense because they feuded before. There is great rivalry between them.

Finally , last in the series, (yay) This one for the supposed "Christians" who?

Why don't we as Christians concentrate more on what Jesus actually taught like loving people and serving others instead of starting selfish arguments. Jesus would have reached out and hugged a gay man. Jesus would have comforted a woman who had an abortion. He wouldnt shake his finger in their face and tell them they are going to hell.

Do you like my character design?

Yes!!!! This is an amazing idea - I love it! Your character Tenko is gorgeous as well. I really wish I could do what you do O_o so far I just practice drawing but maybe someday.. Good luck to you and I'd be delighted read what you have made so far if you have it uploaded somewhere? Definitely go through with this one :)!

I'm grounded and my mom took my phone away? Help!?

Okay, so I got really frustrated and said "fu*k!" to myself. My cousins (who are MAJOR snitches) heard me and squealed on me. So then I got lectured by my mom and my aunt. My mom took my phone away until Friday morning. That's the problem because my mom freaks out if I talk to guys on the phone, and I'm scared that she'll look through my phone now that she has it. And I don't do sexting. I just talk to my guy friends normally and sometimes flirt and tease each other. Nothing inappropriate. I'm just scared that she's going to look through it and see my contacts and messages. She's really paranoid about these kinds of things. So I get grounded for saying the f-word. It's so annoying having cousins who are goody two-shoes. They are going to see and hear things way worse than the f-word. I understand it was irresponsible of me, and I did apologize. I'm just really scared of my mom snooping around with my phone. Please help! I'm 15, btw.

Urgent: How should I continue to store this Merlot wine?

Store it in the refrigerator. That will be far better than where you have it now. It would be great if you had an inert gas to lay upon it. I brew beer and have a tank of CO2 and that would be better than nothing. The idea is to keep the ravaging effects of oxidation off the wine. The well stoppered bottle stored in the dark cool refer will do for now. Try to drink it soon, very soon.

Why do Neocons aways want the US to go into countries and massacre civilians?

First Afghnistan, then Iraq, and now Lybia with 'humanitarian' air strikes. When will the Neocon's reign of terror end?

She makes me so freaking angry!?

My mom had the same problem. She just ignored it and moved on. Every thing's fine now. Just don't mind her. If you do, it might not be so healthy for the family....

How to be more aggresive/dangerous?

i dont encourage a fight but some times thats all they understand, if you have to face the toughest guy, realizing the element of surprise is the key, a shape kick to the berries and lay out the toughest one, then the rest run away. problem solved.

Wife doesn't want me to go away for uncles Wedding.?

Book flights for her to go out with you on the friday evening, you stay, she returns home on the Sunday evening. The following weekend, she flies out again on the Friday, you both return home together on the Sunday. That way, you have 4 days alone, but the weekends together.

What are some similar movies to Seven Pounds or Reign Over Me?

Hi. I'm looking for some NON-sci-fi movies that are similar to Seven Pounds or Reign Over Me. Got anything good in mind?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I want to go to a Hollywoodundead concert really badly?

Alright, I'm not hating but rather, I'm advising. Drop all the H.U stuff and start listening to better music. Dream Theater or Symphony X is really brilliant music. Noone will respect H.U when they disappear but the legends of symphonic metal will echo through the ages :)

Why do people at work like to snitch to the manager/supervisor/director about simple things?

Why do people do these things. Do they think they are gonna get an increase in their pay, more paid time off, extra benefits or a promotion? This annoys me so much. And the people that do the snitching are the people who need to look at their own work habits. For instance, I work with at a preschool and the people there are so darn petty. Last week there was a parent who came to pick up a child a little late. She called prior to let us know that she would be twenty minutes lat but ended up coming a little later. As soon as the parent left my coworker came in and said "Im telling the supervisor she comes in tomorrow". Mind you, we sometimes stay 30 or 40 minutes late sometimes. The parent is hardly never late. Another coworker told on another coworker because she took extra minutes during break. But the person who told takes hours during break EVERYDAY!!! It's mainly done by older people. Its like elementary school at some work places. I don't like this because and someone could lose their job over something so simple such as "she took 3 minutes extra during break." Why cant people mind their business or talk about it with the coworker or whoever their having a problem with? DO SUPERVISORS PRAISE THESE TYPES OF PEOPLE? Whats going on?

A boy has been done for sexual assault and it's all come back to me?

Honestly, you shouldn't care, its yours, your friends, and that boys Business not theirs. Let them talk, it shouldn't matter what they have to say. They're obviously ignorant and immature and not worth the energy or time. You shouldn't care if they talk bad, because honestly it doesn't matter, just separate them from you. You're in a different grade and can find someone in your own grade. So just let them, if it starts getting serious, you obviously need to let let them know what really happened, but either than that don't waste your time or energy on it. it's just stupid and should blow over soon.

Other cute bags like this?

Like this? a href="" rel="nofollow"

What was that old RTS game?

There was an old sci-fi RTS, back around the windows 95 reign. The only details I could remember were that out of so many races you could choose from, one of them had an advantage in a "neutral" kind of morale. If morale fell too low, there was either an uprising against you, or they stopped producing resources, I can't remember. I also remember electronics and culture amongst the consumable resources. And it seems the title may have had 8 letters in it. I've googled my butt off and can't find it.

Do you like to see the World Titles change hands often?

I think that its ruining the titles prestige and it seems like the U.S. Championship and Intercontinental Championship has longer reigns than the world title

Please can you translate these few short sentences of English into french for me?

I am going to Turkey on holiday. I love Turkey! In the summer it is very hot and sunny. The average temperature there in summer is thirty five degrees celsius! In Turkey I will be sunbathing and swimming a lot. I am going to Turkey with my mother and brother.

What do I do!!! My boyfriends mom is crazy?

I'm sorry it's going to be hard for you. Even if you have your parents support they won't help you a lot like they would probably teach you to learn how to be a mom and then your probably going to be taking care of the baby by your self. This is just my opinion but you should confront your boyfriend's mom and tell her you can't do it by yourself and you want the baby's father to be there supporting his own son with you. And hope for the best. The reason why I'm saying that your parents might not help you a ton is cause your a teen. Still a child sort of... So every time you are ganna go party ur parents might think it is not fair. The main thing is that you are going to have to learn how to be responsible. And your boyfriend too.

I dont know what to do about my bf? plz can somebody help!!!!?

It sounds like your boyfriend just leads a separate life from his relationship with you. Nothing wrong with it as long as he's not cheating. I think you should cool off and just say "my boyfriend loves me, I have nothing to worry about". If you're really stressed about the whole girl thing then I'd ask him. Don't accuse him, but just ask about his friends that are girls and stuff. Don't hover. Most guys tend to hate it when the girlfriend hovers over what they're doing with their friends. They think a girl is too clingy if she consistently keeps asking for him to stop talking to certain people and stuff. I think while he's on holiday minimize your time talking to him to like...once a week. Give him some time to have fun with his friends and enjoy your girl time with some of your buddies. Maybe the time spent separated will help you guys realize your time together is precious and even if it's not a lot, the time you spend together is nice and you should enjoy it without worries. Hope this helps!

Can somebody tell me what's wrong with my sister?

Alright, here's the deal. My sister is 15 years old. She has a really short haircut. My mom dresses her because she has no sense of style, and therefore, she never dresses in an attractive manner. She has never worn makeup before, she takes a shower every other day, and she does this at nights, so most of the time during the day she really smells and looks unpleasant. She never talks about guys, and shows absolutely no interest in them. She is a complete mommy's girl, she has never done anything wrong or badass in her life, and she ALWAYS snitches on her four siblings, including me, and I'm 18. I always tell her that snitches end up in ditches, but she just doesn't seem to understand. She has only a few friends, and they are complete geeks and nerds and are just like her. So, all I'm asking, is for somebody to tell me that they know what's going on with my sister. Is she lesbian or something? What is wrong with her?

When Jesus comes back for his 1000 year reign will he come back as flesh or spirit?

If it is flesh then he must have some very sophisticated anti-aging technology which I woud like to learn about.

Filipino Boxing much do you know?

Here are the world champions from The Philippines, Pancho Villa, Erbito Salavarria, Manny Pacquiao, Ben Villaflor, Flash Elorde, Ceferino Garcia....Nuff Said...P/S The first world champion was Pancho Villa 1923.....

Some one please help me:'(?

There's this girl.. and she was my friend but now she's saying that my hair is greasy and calling me fat and ugly.. she's always been like this.. and if i 'snitch' on her she always calls me more names like 'pig'.. and she's 'popular' aswell.. and i also got dumped by my boyfriend 2 weeks ago.. and im really depressed and i just want to kill myself because it feels like everyone in my school hates me cos i get bullied so much.. and my ex is ignoring me.. i still love him and i always cry about it! some one PLEASE help me:'( + also like everyone in my year takes the piss out of me and it really hurts.. but i cant tell of them cos then i would just get more bullied!

How do i get this kid off my back?

Ok so the past year some girls were bullying me so I went to the vice principle. Anyways this kid I know found out about it and started calling me a snitch, even though its none of his business. Help

Beginner looking to buy a piano?

I got an electric keyboard at Target for around $100! The stand collapses so it's easy to travel with. Hope I helped! ;)

My crush knows i like her?

Unfortunately for me, my little ***** sister who i hate so much who cries all the time (she is ******* 12 years old), snitches on me when i do something wrong, and gets my dad to always yell at me for the stupidest things has finally crossed the line and chatted with my crush and told her that i liked her =( i am a really nice guy i never cuss unless im like breaking apart completely mad and so she told her just because she said in the message "Revenge on my brother chris, he has a crush on you". so any ways here's my question,1. how do i like remember not to ever talk to my little sister and 2.what do i do in an awkward situation like if she says "hey do you like me because i dont like you." or if she says "DUDE i DONT LIKE YOU OK??" should i say something like um i said u wwere cute but not anymore or what do i say to tell her i don;t like her.

Whats Gonna Happen To The Congress Government?

This question is only for Indians.The Congress government's crushed Baba Ramdev's Fast and now the reporter J.Dey is dead. The Congress government is trying to avoid the Lokpal Bill.J.Dey's murder has now caused a sense of insecurity all over.It's not somethig new.The Bomblasts that have happened through the yeas have proved the government's uneffective security policies.Still the Congress government prevails.What do you think ,will the Congress government be overthrown in the next elections?Or will it continue it's reign?Is this the end of the Congess Raj that has dominated the Political Arena in the nation?Or will this just be a small pithole in their path?Give your opinion.Best answer= 10 Points :-)

Guy in my school keeps sexually harassing me...?

Theres this popular guy in my school whos ONLY perverted with me. Everyone else thinks he's so funny and chill, but I've seen his true colours. In the beginning it wasn't that bad, I mean he just used to call my name and tell me to come to him (even though I had no idea who he was), and I used to ignore him (cuz I found him creepy). Then it started getting gradually worse. In the hallways, he'd quickly put an arm around me while he was passing by, then he started checking me out really pervertedly, and at first I think it was cuz he wanted to make his friends laugh, but then he started doing it even when his friends weren't there. Then this one time when I was at my locker, I felt someone touch my butt, and when I turned around it was him. Now he's been touching me a lot- some days he touches my butt, and other days he touches my breasts (he does it discreetly). It's making me feel really disgusted and vulnerable. Like to EVERYONE else he's so sweet, but I don't know why he's so perverted with me! Why does he have to bother me?? I barely know who he is. I'm way too scared to snitch on him because I know everyone will hate me if I do, and it's not that long til school ends, but I'm really scared that since school is ending, he'll do something way way worse to me soon. I'm also really sick of the feeling I get before I go to school each day, always anticipating what he'll do next. I'm not the kind of person who gives reactions to those kinds of things, I try my best to ignore it, but he's getting creepier and creepier. What should I do??


You aren't even better than this nigguh a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Changes in the roman life?

Seeing the changes in Roman life by the "reign" of Octavian (Caesar Augustus, 31 BCE - 14 CE), would you have approved of his administration and that of his uncle, Julius Caesar? Why or why not? In this essay, take the position of at least two of the following: a Roman slave, a free married woman, a small shopkeeper, a wealthy member of the Roman Senate.


I think everyone can form a rap song. It's all about rhyming so you dont need to be a genius to do it, but yeah yours sounds ok i guess.

What's your favourite world title reign in wwe history?

That would be a tough one. I'd have to go with JBL's reign as WWE champion on Smackdown. Everyone that watched that show was watching for one of two reasons; to see what he would do to keep the belt or to see who would finally take it from him.

What were the educational qualifications of hitler, stalin and mao?

I have heard that the three tyrants did'nt even complete school, is this true? I guess that does explain their reigns of terror

Why won't my boyfriends parents let him stay over at mine?

ok so i've been with my boyfriend for about 3 years now. we love each other so much and we're really happy together. we have always lived about 40 mins to about an hour away from each other so we usually only met up once a week. we now go to the same uni & get to see a lot more of each other during the week which is great but during the summer and holidays it goes back to once a week. the problem is that organising a way to meet up can sometimes be difficult and sometimes we don't get too long together. I've suggested that he stay over at mine for a night or a few days even so we can have a bit longer together and have more time to go places together like the cinema or even a night out which is harder to do when its only a visit for the day. He always replies that his parents are never too keen on the idea and he says that they are very old fashioned like that. I would understand that he wouldn't have much choice when he was younger but we are both 19 now nearly 20 and it's frustrating that he still seems to have no freedom. I see other couples stay over at each others or go away on holidays with each other and that is also out of the question because of his parents. My parents also don't understand why they are so against this as it would make things a lot handier sometimes. It just feels a bit unfair & i wish he would try a bit harder to open their minds a bit but i feel like he will just do what ever they say no matter what. I feel like if he doesn't speak up a bit more for the things he wants to do it'l always be like this. Another thing that is strange is that i have only been to his house once for his formal and it's always my house that he visits. Again i think this is something to do with his parents. I'd just like to know is this common for anyone else at this age & is there anything i can do to change it or persuade my boyfriend to try harder with them so he can have more freedom?

Have you ever celebrated a holiday with just a bowl of cereals by yourself?

YES ! Last Christmas, my mom had to go to Maryland because her mom was really sick, and my dad got called on a shift for work at the hospital . I was all alone lol . All I ate was cereal with some juice ]:

When Prince Harry Marries what titles would his wife take?

Would she also become a Duchess, Countess and Baroness like Kate? I know it would depend on who is the reigning monarch at the time . If Anyone could tell me would be interesting thanx !

Helpp with historryy!?

Can't you even TRY to answer some of these yourself? and how can you be sure Gemyni's replies are correct?

Monday, July 11, 2011

What should I do? Get a PS3 or buy Xbox 360 games?

Okay during these upcoming holidays I'm planning on buying an HDTV (about either a 37 or 42 inch one) and a speaker system when they are having sales (hopefully going to go out on blackfriday for something). I'm wondering about getting either a PS3 or Xbox games this upcoming Sept (I'll have money for either one). By the time I get it I'll be done with my xbox live gold so I'll have to rebuy a 12 month card for that which is anywhere between $48-$59 and wondering if it will be worth it or to go with the PS3 (free online gaming) as I also was thinking about the ps3 as I want to get a tv that can play 3D movies/Games and I want to get the Star Wars Movies on Blu Ray this fall. On the other hand if I just got games and the xbox live gold card then I can get some extra games and wont need to buy games for the PS3 (which I would do in time, but I will get like 3 games when I get the ps3). I have and enjoy DIXV format movies which the xbox won't play but the PS3 would. I'm planning on getting a used PS3 if I do get it. What do you think I should do?

Should i tell my parents what my brother is doing?

My brother is 22 and will be 23 next month. He recently just moved back in with us because he does dumb stuff and he got involved with cops. I have snitched on him my whole life but now that im 15 i try not to, or when i do i tell my parents that they found out themselves and i never told them. But i noticed that when i search things the first thing that pops up in the history is porn my brother has watched. I have also caught him watching it a couple times but i never told. Its getting really out of hand now because if you leave my pc on for like and hour or two it crashes. And this is MY laptop i dont want him ruining it because of all the viruses. Should i tell my parents

Do I Have A Potential Alcohol Problem?

I am 14 year old male (120 lbs) and my parents give me a small glass of wine on the holidays and I absolutely love the taste and feel of it. Ive never been drunk or anything, but I crave it a lot and sneak sips pretty often. I'm not a bad kid, i have never done drugs, i have never done serious drinking, but I'm afraid this could become a problem soon...

How much weight would i lose in 3 weeks by doing the following......?

Well you have to tell us how much you digest a day. If the average person digests 1600 and 1500 caloriesis a pound. Mabye 30 pounds. But you want to eat more than that and looseing that much weight is unhealthy and a short period of time. Aimfor 5-7 pounds a week

How to get down to a size 8?

There are no magic pills that can make you lose weight, especially in a couple of weeks. Try joining and organisation like weight watchers and lose weight sensibly

What should I do, my sister is really annoying?

She constantly tries to talk to me while I'm busy, but when I'm not doing anything, she hardly wants to talk and has an attitude. To get my attention, she constantly calls my name, sometimes in different childish voices, and if I don't answer, she snitches and tells my mom. She's always in my business, and always wonders where I am going or what I am doing. SHE'S MORE NOSY THAN MY PARENTS!!!!! Also, when I finally get her to leave me alone, she has a very childish attitude and ends up insulting me and calling me names. And the biggest problem...WE ARE SEVERAL YEARS APART!!!!!!!! SHE'S WAY OLDER THAN ME! What can I do? I don't want to end up hating my sister, but I don't think I can tolerate her actions any longer!

Should i care about my friend?

My friend got his face busted open by an individual but from what I been hearing is that he some how considers me a snitch when I get involved in his personal life....I haven't talk to him in the last few days but I know his situation was really bad....I want to ask him how he's doing but I dislike it when people talk bad about me....should I give him a call and care about his situation or should I just step back and pay him no mind??